
你对SPU商学院的商业数据分析硕士(MS-DAB)研究生项目有什么问题吗, 政府, 和经济学? 检查 MS-DAB网站 to find detailed information about the program, and see below to find answers to frequently asked questions. If you want to ask questions of someone in person, contact our Graduate Advisor / Coordinator at 206-281-2753.




  • A curriculum grounded on ethics and values. Drawing on our Christian heritage, we emphasized an ethics-based approach and serving the common good 早在这种做法流行之前. 网易彩票app强调在商业中有意义的目标,并为他人服务:客户、员工和社区.
  • 小班授课. 您将在网易彩票app个性化的互动学习环境中了解教师和同学. Faculty care about you as a person and as a professional.
  • 高质量的. 这是一个 完全认可, academically rigorous, and challenging program. 它是由合格的教师和具有丰富的领域专业知识的行业代表授课. 网易彩票app的压力 应用学习.
  • 连通性. You will network with peers, alumni, and business community mentors.
  • 灵活性. 你可以在任何一个季度开始,你可以按照你生活的要求来进行.

What is the profile of your current student body?

的 average DAB student has a 587 GMAT score, 299 GRE考试 score, 3.33 GPA, four years of work experience, and a diverse professional background. Most work full time in a wide range of companies or nonprofits. Companies represented by students have included Amazon, 波音公司, 微软, 诺德斯特姆, 惠普(hewlett - packard), 一家名叫Paccar, 同意技术, 摄政蓝盾, Premera, 及世界宣明会.


是的. 成立于1916年, AACSB -国际高等商学院协会-是世界上历史最悠久,最负盛名的商学院认证机构. 只有不到40%的北美商学院获得了这一认证.

How are your programs connected to the 西雅图 business community?

网易彩票app的 行政顾问委员会 links us to the Puget Sound business community. 的 导师计划 matches students one on one with business professionals. 商业领袖作为嘉宾演讲, 团队项目的来源, and advise the program on developments in the field and employer expectations.


网易彩票app提供职业和专业发展机会,包括职业咨询, 求职指导, 恢复发展, 工作坊及研讨会, 网络事件, 和指导. 就业机会张贴在 握手 在SPU的职业和职业中心.

How long does it take to complete the DAB program?

该计划的长度取决于本科课程满足的预dab课程的数量和以前研究生课程的潜在转学分. 下表描述了注册三个课程的学生的课程长度, 六个, 或者九个学分. 的 table is not adjusted for any prior coursework that may apply.





 半场  3 17  4 1/4
 全职  6 9 2 1/4
 全职  9 6 1 1/2
课程总时长为45个学分. 看到 目录 政策.


课程安排,以适应学生积极的工作时间表混合课程使用混合缩放和面对面的会议. 在线课程除了异步学习元素外,每周还有一个晚上的同步Zoom会议.


Is it possible to take classes before being admitted to the program?

是的, you may take up to two pre-DAB core courses. 作为一个资格预审的学生, 你必须有至少一年的连续全职工作经验,在完成本科学位与3.0的绩点. 网易彩票app也提供 毕业证书 in cybersecurity and data analytics for those not seeking a 学位.


I’ve taken some of the pre-DAB courses at another university. 这符合课程要求吗?

市场营销基础课程, 信息系统, 统计学(9学时)涵盖了必须理解的基本商业概念,以实现该计划的目标. 许多学生在本科课程中已经涵盖了部分或全部的主题. 在下列情况下, 在入学前完成的本科阶段的课程可以完成一个或多个dab预科课程.

  • 如果你在入学后的七年内获得了学士学位,其中包括与基础课程相同的知识体系的课程:
    • 您获得最低成绩B的课程可以满足具有类似内容的基础课程.
    • 通过/无学分的课程不能满足基础课程的要求.
  • 如果你在入学前7年以上完成了学士学位, or if the grade in the undergraduate course is below B but not below C+:
    • You may take a competency examination in the subject.
    • 能力测试必须在入学日期后的一年内完成.
    • If the competency examination is successfully completed, the applicable foundations course will be considered fulfilled.
    • If you do not successfully complete the competency exam, you must take the graduate course or complete it via credit by examination, for which tuition and an examination fee are charged.

Are transfer students accepted into the DAB program?

你必须以新申请人的身份申请,并提交所需的文件,包括GMAT或GRE考试成绩. 参加另一个aacsb认可的DAB课程的学生可能会转移多达9个研究生学分.

我已经获得了硕士学位. 我可以申请DAB课程吗?

是的. Students who hold a master’s 学位 in a different field are welcome. You are not required to submit GMAT或GRE考试成绩. 根据你的研究生课程,你最多可以转9个学分.

My undergraduate 学位 is not in business. 我还能申请DAB课程吗?

是的. DAB课程有一系列核心课程,以确保所有学生都有成功完成学位所需的基础.


What materials are required for admission?

  • 在线申请
  • 申请费
  • 当前的简历
  • 官方成绩单(s)
  • GMAT或GRE考试成绩
  • 个人论文


  • Course-by-course transcript evaluation (international students)
  • 托福或雅思成绩
  • Declaration of International Student Finances form


 季度/月开始  申请的最后期限
 秋天/ 9月  8月1日
 冬季1月/  11月1日
 春天到了/ 3月  2月1日
 夏天/ 6月  5月1日



 秋天/ 9月   6月1日
 冬季1月/  9月1日
 春天到了/ 3月  12月1日
 夏天/ 6月  Admission not available for international students




你必须在网上申请 所有SPU研究生课程.

我参加了GRE考试考试. Will you accept GRE考试 scores instead of GMAT scores?

是的. 网易彩票app同时接受GMAT和GRE考试成绩.


Admittance into the DAB program does not require prior work experience.

How long does it take to receive an admission decision?

一旦您的应用程序文件完成, an admission decision goes out to you within seven to 10 working days.


的 DAB program enrolls students for autumn, winter, spring, and summer quarters. New international students are not accepted for summer quarter enrollment.

我被DAB项目录取了. 我可以推迟我的录取通知吗?

是的. Accepted applicants who wish to postpone their admission may request a deferral. Deferrals, in most cases, will be granted for no more than four quarters.

我被拒之门外. 我可以重新申请吗??

是的. You may re-apply to the program for a subsequent quarter. 如果你决定重考GMAT, GRE考试, 托福考试, 或雅思, please have your official scores submitted to the University. 如果你完成了任何新的课程,请将你的成绩单提交给学校. 您的申请将保存一年.


我是一名未来的国际学生. How much funding must I have available to obtain an I-20?

联邦政府要求国际学生证明至少有足够的资金支付第一年的研究生学习和生活费用. 作为录取过程的一部分:

  • If you are a privately sponsored applicant, 你需要提交国际学生财务声明(DISF)表格和所有证明文件. 网易彩票下载可以签发你需要的签证资格文件,以便获得学生签证授权. 
  • If you are a government-sponsored applicant, 您需要提交一份获奖信原件(或获奖信的认证副本)。. 所有财务文件必须用英文书写,并在入学第一季度开始日期有效. 

的 process to receive an I-20 can take up to three months, so please ad在这里 to the application deadlines.

我是一名国际学生,仍然需要参加托福和GRE考试或GMAT考试. 我可以申请有条件录取吗?

你可以申请有条件录取,以便申请奖学金或政府赞助. You must meet our academic and minimum 1-year work experience requirements, 但可能尚未达到网易彩票app的英语水平要求和/或GMAT(研究生管理入学考试)或GRE考试(研究生入学考试)成绩要求. 有条件录取 is valid for one year from the date of this application.

I am an international student who received a 3-year bachelor’s 学位. 我可以申请你们的DAB项目吗?

国际机构的三年制学士学位可能允许也可能不允许你申请网易彩票app的课程.  网易彩票app的 Master’s programs require prior completion of a 4-year U.S. 地区认可机构的学士学位,或其他国家的同等学位.  因为世界各地的高等教育体系差异很大,并且随着时间的推移而变化, 斯坦福大学要求学生的学历证书由专业的学历评估师进行评估,以确定与美国大学的可比性.S. 学位.  Information about approved evaluation services is available 在这里. Evaluations should be submitted to 研究生招生.

I have additional questions about the MS-DAB program. May I visit the SPU campus to learn more about the business graduate programs?

是的! 网易彩票app的 faculty and staff are available to meet with you individually. 联系 our graduate director at 206-281-2753 to arrange a visit.



学费 is $815 per credit hour for the 2024–25 academic year; other required fees may also apply. DAB课程有46个学分.

Do you offer scholarships to students in the DAB program?

没有奖学金. Besides student loan programs, students should research other sources.